I worked today and this restaurant the best place you could imagine working, everyone is great there. Its complimentary mimosas and bloody marys.. for the customers and me! but still all day I wished I was at home working on projects.. then I say hey ill do it when i get home, but then i get home and dont feel any motivation or inspiration.. what a bummer......
good thing we just put the pool back up. katie and i jumped right in that sucker and swam the hot florida weather of only april away.
Time to kick myself in the butt and finish a tank top project I got goin on...
OH YEAH... also I am going to set up a photo shoot day where i ask all my real cute girl pals to come over and model for me... we'll all dress up take pictures drink some cocktails and go swimming... maybe a bbq sounds fun to me! PLus ill have excellent photos for the site, not like the old ones are bad, but they are all just silly