SO today I finally completely my very first custom order. 5 grey cardigans with matching wolf howling prints on the right side. I think they came out super great, they look so sharp. I am going to request a photo from the kids who are buying them of them all together with them on. I sure hope they fit them well, and they like them, and the print lasts a lifetime. I want to make a couple of little presents to throw into the package to show my appreciation for this opportunity they gave me. I had a real good time thinking it up for them and making it for them, I think it has become my most favorite print so far. SO just letting ya'll know I am totally up for doing things like this, if you got an idea you want in ink let me know and we'll see if I can whip it up for yah.
i think this is the coolest. i want to be apart of this gang!